Sunday, September 11, 2011

what more to ask...

each and everyone of us aspire to attain something in life..may it be in profession or personal matter what the reason is we work hard to grab the chance to achieve it...

now a days with many youngsters, newly grads graduating each year and few jobs being offered for these people and duhhh, you can count me on that list...

at first i thought being able to graduate from college will give me the chance to land a good job, but it wasn't the case..i had been having problems landing a suitable job that i can say could really be the one thing i want....but i guess the right timing has not yet still waiting for that one...

just hoping that things will go my way and i'll eventually land on something that would give me fulfillment and satisfaction on what's headed on... wishing for luck so *crossing my fingers* HOPE EVERYTHING WILL GO AS PLANNED... c" ^^

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